Photo by Cynthia del Rio
Patience and waiting have been a running theme at Angchronicles. And as God would have it, a few scriptures and ideas have crossed my path creating a new school of thought regarding waiting. Moreover what are we doing while we wait? I’d never thought about this, until reading a bible study by Charles Stanley. He questions our actions in the waiting period—that place where what you expect doesn’t happen, every step forward is two steps backwards, when a window looks open it’s nailed shut, a promise is shattered, dreams crumble, things simply fall apart. And no matter how hard you try nothing absolutely nothing moves.
Ever been there? Yeah, me too.
Well, while in this place of waiting what are we doing? Can you see what God is doing? For me, in hindsight after moaning and groaning and my infantile behavior—me, me, me, why me—I realize God is shaping and molding me to be ready, instantaneous and obediently, when he calls me to take the next step, climb the next level.
So, as I wait for the desires of my heart, I must trust God, take my problems to Him not my friends or family, rid myself of false humility, show compassion, learn obedience and submissiveness, focus on Christ not the circumstances, and thank God for everything—the storms, the rain, the suffering, the pain, the joy and the laughter.
These are behaviors that I need so God can use me in His kingdom, for His purpose not mine. Every day that I grow closer to him, every minute I see God moving in, around and through me— a me that I didn’t know existed. While I wait, I’m falling more in love with Christ.
What about you? What’s happening while you wait patiently on the Lord to move in your life?
Here’s something to consider:
King David waited until the Lord allowed him to defeat all his enemies.
Job said, “If a man dies, will he live again? If so, I would gladly suffer through this time waiting for my release.”
The Psalmist prayed, “In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.” Knowing that the Lord watches over his followers, those who wait for him to show his faithful love.
So, join me in waiting patiently on the Lord for his answer.