angchronicles hanging out

Four areas of focus
Therefore, Off the Hooks is a space to discuss the matters of the heart, body, mind, and soul. Those matters aren’t all about me, my musings, and beliefs, but also about the community I live, which ranges from my family, my church, my work, social media, and the nation. As a community, Off the Hooks will talk about literary and visuals arts and artists, biblical scriptures and devotions, as well as film, TV and on and off-Broadway shows. After all art in all its mediums helps us laugh, cry, rejoice, and check ourselves with self-reflection. Since the goal is sharpening the saw, Off the Hooks will share ideas for self-care.
I hope when you read Off the Hooks you allow yourself to giggle, weep, and jump for joy, get angry, and shout “Now, that’s off the hooks.” Ah, please beware, Off the Hooks is not all about happy, happy, happy; there will be moments of anguish and grappling with the body, mind, heart, and soul. For example, the idea of forgiveness and loving thy neighbor took me years to truly understand before I conceded to forgiving and loving my neighbor for making me furious. First, who is my neighbor; second, does forgiving someone also mean I have to trust them? Sharpening the heart is an ongoing process. A side note—The Word of God always sharpens my saw and most times it is painful.
I guess I’m just putting life on the table as I know it. So, if you have 2.3 to 12 minutes read Off the Hooks and spread the word. I promise short and to the point between 300 to 1,500 words blog posts.
Off the Hooks
by angchronicles
aka Angela Hooks
Looking forward to hearing the bi-weekly buzz of the sharpening saw!
Hope you enjoy. Thanks for subscribing!