The Electric Toothbrush is like Surrendering to the Lord

Sharpening Your Saw: Body, Mind, Heart, and Soul

Everybody brushes their teeth (or so they should). Using either soft or hard bristles. Electric or manual toothbrush. Floss and mouthwash required for extra cleaning. Some of us brush twice a day, maybe three times a day. Brushing our teeth is considered good dental hygiene. When we’ve not been taking care of our teeth problems can creep in: gum disease, stained, cracked, crooked, chipped or crowded teeth, toothaches, cavities, bad breath or hypedontia. However, when we take care of our teeth our smile is radiant, we have confidence, and we feel healthy.


I thought of the importance of the toothbrush one morning while using my electric toothbrush. I only use the electric toothbrush when traveling. I’ve had the electric toothbrush for several years, and the dentist suggested I use it daily. I spent $100 on this toothbrush but I am not getting the maximum use Why don’t I use it daily? Here’s my rationalization: bathroom sink space too small, mouth takes like metal when drinking water, expensive replacement parts. Sad excuses, I admit it.


However, whenever I don’t want to do something I can rationalize my reasoning to make myself feel better. And the electric toothbrush got me thinking about when one surrenders their life to the Lord. Odd comparison. I thought so too. But using an electric toothbrush is like surrendering your life to the Lord.


To surrender means to yield, give up, give over, submit, abandon, relinquish, waive, capitulate. When you have surrendered, you yield to the power, control or possession of another upon desire or demand.


Unlike a manual toothbrush, an electric toothbrush has a built-in timer that makes a clicking sound indicating when you are to move to the next part of your mouth. The clicking sound occurs four times, so you have to think differently about brushing your teeth for effective use. With a manual toothbrush, you are in charge and can move freely around your mouth whenever you want.


When it comes to surrendering your life to the Lord, it not just part of your life but all of it: social/emotional, financial, physical, mental, and spiritual selves. Our life has parts, and we have to think differently about how to yield, surrender our whole self to God so we can live the best life he has for us.

I remember being consumed with all aspects of money, earning it, spending it and saving it. Sometimes, there never seemed to be enough. However, Matthew 6:24 says, “How could you worship two gods at the same time? You will have to hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You can’t worship the true God while enslaved to the god of money!”  I had to abandon the idea that money was the most important thing in my life. Don’t get me wrong we all need money, but not as an idol. But I had to learn to “Surrender my anxiety! Be silent and stop my striving to see that God was God” (italics my emphasis, Psalm 46:10).


Similar to using an electric toothbrush, there are adjustments when surrendering your life to the Lord. The electric toothbrush has settings or modes: clean, gum massage, sensitive, whitening, deep clean, and tongue cleaner. You can use all the settings or one or two. Each mode is for two minutes. It takes a little longer and you have to listen for the clicking noise before moving to the next section.


When you’ve surrendered your life to the Lord, you have to pray more often than not, read and study the Word, follow the instructions and commands in the Bible, fellowship with other believers, attend regular worship service, keep a diary, learn to worship, and be still and listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

The electric toothbrush is an expensive investment that doesn’t get tossed in the trash every two-three months. When you invest time with God, his promises are long-lasting. His joy gets you through the cracks and chips of life. As the song says his peace is like a river in your soul.


The electric toothbrush offers a better cleaning and care than a manual toothbrush but remember when you go to the dentist and get under the light there still more to be done.


When you surrender your Life to Christ, it’s a process and you’re in the process as you practice all the modes of discipline, repeatedly.


Many thanks to Marjorie Batchelor and my husband for their suggestions.


  1. Thanks for the tooth brush analysis discipline is my problem I know I should brush regular as I am suppose or need to read the word and pray regular thank you for reminding me I am learning to put everything in gods hands and leave them there and wait on him have not been eassy But I have learned that state only way

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