Random Thoughts


1. God’s Love

On this Valentine’s Day with snow falling in unforeseen places, I imagine God is reminding us He is in charge, we need to slow down or he will slow us down, and we need to love Him as He loves us. And His love is real, unconditional, and limitless.


2. Rocky Relationships

When one person falls out of love, the other person knows the relationship needs repair or it’s over. Often times one person, him or her, holds on without trying to mend the crack, heal the wound, take a look in the mirror, hear and listen. Meanwhile, the other person’s heart has to be strong enough to say goodbye, knowing God will mend the crack, heal the wound, change what you see in the mirror, and open your ears.


3. Faith in God

When God tells us to obey, should we obey the commands that make us feel good, or the ones that stretch and mold us or should we obey all his commands even when they seem unreasonable?


4. Steve Harvey

Steve Harvey is a funny man, but he’s letting God use him in a mighty way. Steve is raising the bar for relationships. For ladies: Be ready to walk away if you’re not getting what you want. Sometimes change is inevitable, if the person is that important. Know that when you walk away, he wasn’t the one and God has something better. For men: Take your wife out to dinner, surprise her, write her a letter, help out around the house. If she’s not your wife, well “put a ring on it” and make that change. Be careful, you’re not dating out of your league. Simply speaking Steve is spilling male secrets, and it’s contagious.


5. Life’s Roadblocks

When God specifically puts up roadblocks, why do we keep trying to create a detour or another plan?

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