Hello My Friends,
I’ve been offline for a minute, but I’ve returned. What’s off the hooks? My last post is sitting in my To Be Posted file; that means it’s complete. I can’t seem to figure out what happened. Why did I stop posting? Did the writing scare me? Did I take that dream trip to Australia? Did other things pop up?
Exactly, other things, unexpected things popped up. The only way to describe my lack of posting is by saying I serve a Lord of surprises and a God of delight. I’ve had several surprises since my last blog post, July 13, 2019.
Those surprises took me on a whirlwind of sharpening my saw adventures like when a person closes a door in your face and God opens two doors that you didn’t know existed. Or when you are completely excited about something new and when you get it, well you have to deal with some stuff that’s not your issue. Oh, the sharpening has been off the hooks, as Ecclesiastes 7:8 says: “The end of the matter is better than its beginning; and patience is better than pride” (NIV).
I don’t want to give it all away in one post, so stay tune, subscribe to Off the Hooks.
Until next time,
I love you!
So happy to have you back
Thank you, Fran! How is the journal writing going?