Dear Friend,
Let’s walk on this path called Spiritual Direction. A time to talk as someone listens with a willingness to hear, an attentive ear, and a responsive heart.
What is Spiritual Direction?
Spiritual direction is a transforming journey of becoming. Becoming free to be who we are in God’s love as we help each other in our own process of being converted together. Spiritual direction is spiritual exploration. Spiritual direction is a saturation of love, a vow of confidentiality, and continual seeking of God…
The ultimate guide is the Holy Spirit.
What will we do in the sessions?
I, the Spiritual Director, will listen. I will love and receive your gift of story, prayer, and silence.
You, the Directee, can share your story, your heart, your sorrow, and your right-now feelings.
I, the Spiritual Director, will meet you where you are and hold a safe space for you with compassion and confidentiality. For me, the Ultimate Guide is the Holy Spirit, God as Spirit, God, Lord, Holy & Almighty, God is Creator.
You, the Directee, can share whatever your heart desires. You can set the agenda for the session or come with no agenda at all. You can choose to do what works best for you on this journey together as we watch, wait, pray, and play.
When do we meet?
Once a month online via Zoom. A monthly rhythm helps the relationship not become too problem-centered or co-dependent. We’re seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we pray for each other between meetings.
Our first session
During our first session, we will meet for 20-30 minutes to see if we are a good fit. If we are a good fit, then we will set up monthly meetings. You will send me an email,, to confirm your desire to continue. In the email, let me know the best times and days that fit your schedule. Then I will send you a Zoom link for the next meeting.
What about money?
Sessions are 60 minutes and range from $50- $75. A sliding scale is offered.
If you’re ready or thinking about starting this journey, email me at
Until we meet,
“A spiritual guide helps a person lift into awareness and clarify aspects of her life which she might not otherwise notice.”
— Kathleen Fisher