Warning: If you pray this prayer, expect God to shake up your life, convict and challenge you. Be ready to flee from people and things that are not good for you, be ready to let go of your most treasured possession, be ready, cause it’s gonna happen. God’s gonna turn your life upside down. I’m ready for Him to take away anything, everything, and everybody that is not pleasing to Him. Are you ready? You’ve been warned.
Dear God,
Change me, my life, who I am, take control of my life. Change me, not my spouse, not my significant other, not my friends, not my parents, not my siblings, not my children, not my co-workers, not the pastor, or the church, change me! Help me to concentrate on how I handle my actions and reactions, and let them know they are responsible for their actions, not me. I am responsible for the changes that need to be made in me. Lord, I know the change will take time; I need to process my need to change; cause there’s a struggle like lightening and thunder inside of me. Oh, God, just change me.