2020 was like a rollercoaster ride

Dear Friends,

Thank you for being a part of the “Off the Hooks” readership. I appreciated your time and your comments. As I look back, there were not many blog posts published in 2020– sixteen to be exact. My favorite post was “What do you remember? I remember”.  Two weeks after posting, I transformed the theme “remember” into a sermon. The fourth sermon of 2020 for me. As a minister-in-training, 2020 changed the atmosphere for preaching from a pulpit in the sanctuary to a make-shift pulpit at my desk or the dining room table.

Another favored blog post was Reader Response to “Where is My Joy During the Crisis.”  “Off the Hooks” had the opportunity to post someone else’s voice, adding a measure of interactive dialogue. One goal for publishing a blog.  As I look back, the opportunity to publish a book review reflected another goal of “Off the Hooks.” A new publisher asked me to write a review for a debut children’s book.  Helping others however I can with what God has given me, points to another opportunity in 2020.

As I look back, my blog posts were limited because 2020 was like a rollercoaster ride. Since I don’t like rollercoasters, I had to slow down, and sometimes pause. Needless to say, 2020 took us all through hoops and loops with ups and downs. I know some people like rollercoasters: sensation-seekers. The Conversation reports despite the possibility of a stroke or a heart attack, sensation seekers ride rollercoasters. Perhaps that is why so many people refused to wear a mask and continue to gather in larger crowds.

I am not a fan of rollercoasters.  When forced to ride one, my eyes were closed, I held my breath, and squeezed the hand of the person sitting next to me. I’m sure I prayed, asking God to deliver me. It’s possible I made some type of promise: Lord when this is over (you fill in the blank).

There were moments during 2020 in which I wanted to close my eyes and hold my breath until it was over. But I could not. Believe me, I tried.  I tried to close my eyes to the pandemics of racism and political mayhem. I tried to hold my breath and shut my mouth when I transitioned to the seminary and realized racism and COVID-19 were rampant.  I could not close my eyes or hold my breath, instead, I chose to limit my blogging and increase my personal prayer time. And I didn’t want to become another blogger spouting and crowding social media with more online reading. Like being forced to ride a rollercoaster, I had to slow down and pause.

But unlike the end of a two-minute rollercoaster ride, 2020 has ended but its effects will continue in 2021. 

So, in this new year, I will not close my eyes or hold my breath. I will ride the rollercoaster with limited blog posts and a multitude of appreciation for your readership and your response. And much prayer for our world.

Friends, thank you for being a part of the “Off the Hooks” readership.  

Until next time,



  1. This post is awesome! I’ve been feeling the need to reexamine my social media interactions. Trying to remain relevant as an author has me pooped! Thank you for the reminder that my attempts are futile if not surrendered.

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