12 Lessons Learned on the 30 Day Prayer Journey


  1. When you think someone needs to change, it’s usually you that needs to change.
  2. Even when you love someone, sometimes you have to let him or her go; this is a result of change.
  3. God wants complete obedience, not hollow obedience.
  4. The Holy Spirit connects the Family of God on all corners of the earth.
  5. Walking by faith means you will fall and stumble and makeImage bad choices; if you trust God, when he picks you up your vision will be clearer and you will stumble less and grow stronger.
  6. When you trust God, He will request the unreasonable, despite the consequences. Here you must return to #3.
  7. You can’t have a relationship with God if you don’t spend time with Him in worship, read His Word, pray, fellowship with his people. Let’s face it; you can’t have a healthy relationship with anyone if you don’t spend time with him or her.
  8. Not everyone wants to hear about God and his goodness, so you must heed Jesus’s advice “…quietly withdraw. Don’t make a scene. Shrug your shoulders and be on your way; in other words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet” (Matthew 10:12-14 NIV and The Message).
  9. God is waiting for us, all we have to do: ask, seek and knock. Perhaps, a glance at #3, 6, and 7.
  10. You can’t embark on the faith walk without adversity and suffering. God is testing us. Do we only love Him when it’s all good and rosy? Do we scowl and pout, turn our back when stuff gets tough and makes us uncomfortable?
  11. Be thankful for everything.
  12. Wake up everyday and look for the smallest miracles; be grateful. Thank God for the ups and the downs.

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